Petroleum Geology and Reservoir Engineering Department

The Department of Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons


Petroleum Geology and Reservoir Engineering Department

The activity of the Petroleum Geology and Reservoir Engineering Department (GIZ) began in July 2011, after the merger of the Geology-Geophysics Department with the Hydraulics and Reservoir Engineering teams from the Hydraulics, Termotehnics and Reservoir Engineering Department. The formation of the GIZ department was the direct result of the reorganization of the Petroleum-Gas Engineering Faculty according to Law nr.1/2011, The National Education Law.

With a history spanning 70 years, in which it has seen many changes both in structure and in name, some of them extremely important, the GIZ department has developed permanently, becoming a modern and high-performing academic entity within the IPG Faculty.

Geophysics, geological sciences, reservoir engineering and hydraulics represent the main core disciplines for the Petroleum-Gas Engineering Faculty. The development of the department, over the years, is strongly related to the development of the higher education in oil and gas in Romania, with a long and rich tradition. Through their activity, illustrious founding professors and continuators of this famous school, members of the departments that preceded the current GIZ department, such as: Nicolae Cristea, Veceslav Harnaj (first heads of the Hydraulics and Thermotechnics department), Teodor Oroveanu (corresponding member of the Romanian Academy , member of the Academy of Astronautics in Paris, member of the German Society of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, head of department), Alexandru Soare (vice-rector, dean, head of department), Ion Cretu (vice-rector, dean, head of department), Constantin Popa (vice dean), Constantin Beca (head of department), Mircea Ionescu (head of department), Alecsandru Stan, Ion Făgărăşanu, Alexandru Babskov, Alexandru Kissling, Vasile Dragoş, Alexandru Osnea, Vintilă David, Eugen Mihail Ionescu, contributed to national and international recognition and increasing the prestige of higher oil education in Romania. Also, teachers such as Ion Mălureanu (UPG Senate President, Dean), Iulian Nistor (Dean, Vice-Dean), Dumitru Frunzescu, Octavian Georgescu (Head of Department), Eugen Viorel Vasiliu, Mihail Valentin Batistatu had and still have an activity outstanding academic work with their colleagues in the GIZ department.

As a result of the work of these great scientists, the GIZ department has a rich heritage including treatises, specialized monographs, scientific articles and patents, as well as a valuable collection of minerals. Through the tradition initiated by these creators of school and science in the fields of Mines, Oil and Gas and Geological Engineering, the teachers of the GIZ department, successors of the prestigious predecessors, carry on what they founded, publishing works of certain scientific value, being part from the editorial committees of specialized journals, participating as visiting professors at universities in the country and abroad or as guests at various national and international scientific events.

The structure of the department's activities has been adapted to the latest requirements for modernizing education, with the specific features of the geological and oil and gas fields. Thus, the curricula, the analytical programs of the disciplines, the methods of training, teaching and evaluation of the level of training were improved. The didactic and research activity also benefits from an adequate structure, within the department there are specialized research laboratories, such as: diffractometry laboratory, geotechnical and geological engineering laboratory, environmental protection and corrosion laboratory, mineralogy and petrography laboratory, palaeontology laboratory and micropaleontology etc.

The teachers of the department have a rich professional and scientific experience, proven by the development of courses and other competitive teaching materials, scientifically complex, but at the same time accessible and adapted to the requirements of the labour market.

In addition to teaching, the department conducts theoretical and applied research in areas of wide interest, such as geotechnics, geochemistry, mineralogy and petrography, structural analysis, field physico-chemistry, stratigraphy and sedimentology, geophysical surveying, field engineering, environmental protection, corrosion, unconventional energies, etc.

The main objectives of the GIZ department are the following:

  • Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the teaching process;
  • Frequent upgrades of the educational offer to the requirements of the labour market;
  • Development of scientific research activities;
  • Ensuring an adequate climate for the development and professional improvement of the teachers within the department;
  • Attracting, promoting and supporting young teachers.

STUDY PROGRAMS coordinate by the GIZ deparment

  • Geology of Oil Resources
  • Rezervoir engineering
  • Petroleum Geology
DOCTORAL DOMAIN (PH.D.) of the Doctoral School to which professors from the GIZ departament are affiliated:
  • MINES, OIL and GAS
  • Specialist engineers in national and multinational companies
  • Teaching career in university education (after graduating from the psycho-pedagogical module and, respectively, from the master's and doctoral programs)
  • Researchers in basic and applied research laboratories

Department Director: Maria STOICESCU

Department Council: Maria STOICESCU
Şef lucr. Doru STOIANOVICI
Şef lucr. Ileana Monica CRIHAN
Şef lucr. Daniela Doina Neagu
Şef lucr. Ştefan PELIN

Teachers in the department

Prof. univ. habil. dr. ing. Maria STOICESCU

docxVezi Curriculum vitae

Conf. univ. dr. ing. Gheorghe Adrian BRĂNOIU


Şef lucr. univ. Mihai CIOCÎRDEL

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Şef lucr. univ. Ileana Monica CRIHAN

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Şef lucr. univ. Dan Romulus JACOTĂ


Şef lucr. univ. Daniela Doina NEAGU

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Şef lucr. univ. Caşen PANAITESCU

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Şef lucr. univ. Ştefan PELIN


Şef lucr. univ. Daniel Gheorghe PETCU


Şef lucr. univ. Doru STOIANOVICI

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Şef lucr. univ. dr. ing. Viorel Costin VLĂŞCEANU

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Asist. univ. drd. ing. Dragoş CRISTEA

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Auxiliary Staff

Ing. Daniela BOLBOACĂ

Drd. ing. Ionuţ Andrei LUNGU

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Tehn. Mircea PANAIT


Prof. Dumitru FRUNZESCU

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Prof. univ. dr. ing. Marian RIZEA

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Conf. univ. dr. ing. Mihail Valentin BATISTATU

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Conf. univ. dr. ing. Viorel Eugen VASILIU

Dr. ing. Rodica Elena STOICA-NEGULESCU

pdfVezi Curriculum vitae

The Department of Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons

The Department of Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons was established in July 2011 by merging the Drilling - Extraction Department with the Hydrocarbon Transport team detached from the Department of Hydraulics, Thermotechnics and Field Engineering.

The formation of the Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons Department was the direct result of the reorganization of the Petroleum-Gas Engineering Faculty according to Law nr.1/2011, The National Education Law.

The Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons Department was from the beginning the most important part of the Faculty of PETROLEUM AND GAS ENGINEERING, write from the start when Bucharest Institute of Oil and Gas was founded in 1948 with the Faculty of Drilling - Production and the Faculty of Petroleum Processing. Over time, the name and organization of the faculty have undergone various changes - the biggest one from 1972 when the faculty was transferred to the Petroleum Institute from Ploieşti,

During its existence, the Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons Department benefited from the didactic, scientific and organizational contribution of some remarkable professors, deeply devoted to the creation and development of this Romanian form of higher education focused on the study of petroleum products.

The department provide specialized training for full-time students in the 4-year and part-time education, bachelor studies at the Faculty of PETROLEUM AND GAS ENGINEERING and the Faculty of Petroleum Technology and Petrochemistry. It also provides the program for students in the master's programs at the Faculty of PETROLEUM AND GAS ENGINEERING. The department organizes doctoral studies in the field of Mines, Oil and Gas.

The Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons Department has a high national and international prestige due to a very good professional and scientific level of their teachers. Lectures held at a high scientific level are based on books, textbooks, laboratory and project guidelines, edited by teachers in the department, which fully cover all the fundamental and specialized disciplines in the curricula.

The remarkable professors I. Creţu, Al. Soare, Al. Osnea, D. Tocan, G. Ioachim, Ghe. Pacoste, C. Beca, E. Soare, C. Popa, G. Iordache, Ghe. Constantinescu, G. Manolescu, N. Cristea, V. Harnaj, T. Oroveanu, N. Macovei și conferențiarii M. Constantinescu, A. Miliutin, V. Grigore taught at the department.

And the examples can continue with other names "of ours" teachers who have left a deep mark on the consciousness of former students even if some of them have long passed the Styx and others have reached venerable ages: V. Dragoş, I. Pârcălăbescu, E. Soare, I. Tocan, S. Popescu, I. Banciu, Ghe. Horhoianu, Ghe. Georgescu, Corneliu Popescu, M. Pătărlăgeanu, Al. Stan, C. Trifan, S. Neacșu etc.

STUDY PROGRAMS coordinate by the Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons Department

  • Mines, Oil and Gas
    with the specialization
    • Petroleum and Gas Engineering
    • Transport, storage, and distribution of hydrocarbons
  • Mines, Oil and Gas
    with the specialization
    • Well drilling
    • Petroleum extraction
    • Reservoir Engineering
    • Technology of transport, storage and distribution of hydrocarbons
    • Management in the oil industry
    • Petroleum Engineering (taught in English)
The Field of Doctoral programmes is Mines, Oil and Gas.

Teaching activity

The disciplines taught over the years, which have been constantly updated and diversified, in line with scientific and technological advances in the field include well drilling, oil extraction, oil management, hydrocarbon field physics, drilling fluids, special drilling, marine drilling, gas extraction, secondary exploitation of oil fields, gas compression and liquefaction, transport and storage of fluids, gas transportation, transport of multiphase fluids, Distribution of natural gas through pipelines, Numerical simulation in Drilling, Extraction, Transport and Distribution.

Scientific research

The scientific research activity represents an important aspect of the activity of the entire teaching and auxiliary staff of the Departments, imposed both by the demands of the oil and gas industry, and by the need for continuous self-improvement of the department members.

The scientific research activity consists both in solving some fundamental research topics, as well as some applied research topics, both financed internally or on the basis of contracts or agreements with different institutions or commercial companies. Grants were obtained in programs like: Tempus, CNFIS, Relansin, Priority Program of the Ministry of Economy and Trade, CEEX, PNCDI, Norway Grants Programme for Study and Research, Erasmus plus Programme from Policy and International Cooperation, International Cooperation with non UE Country between Horizon 2020, and Research Programme from International Regenerable Energy, etc.

The scientific research activity is organized on topics of special importance:

  • Construction design and oil and gas well drilling optimization;
  • Designing the technological regime of well operation, analysis of well operation and optimization of working regime for wells in natural eruption, artificial eruption, rod pumping, helical pumping, hydraulic pumping, electro centrifugal pumping;
  • Stimulating Wells and preventing and combating sand floods;
  • Design of the technological regime for compression and storage of natural gas;
  • Natural gas measurements;
  • Evaluation of the physical properties of rocks and reservoir fluids;
  • Design, planning, simulation, optimization and monitoring of the operation made in transmission and distribution of fluids
  • Transport of multiphase and non-Newtonian fluids;
  • Assessment of transmission capacity and stored gas based on the simulation of technological flows in natural gas transmission or distribution networks, crisis and emergency situations
  • Evaluation, construction and optimization of consumption profiles
  • Calculation of technological consumption and natural gas losses related to the execution of works and technical damages
  • Renewable energy in Oil and Gas Field,
  • Research on pollution generated by oil exploitation and possibilities to improve the quality of the environment;
  • Corrosion protection of extraction well equipment and transport pipes.

The scientific research activity of our teachers has been materialized into publishing scientific papers in specialized journals in the country and abroad; participation in conferences, symposiums and scientific communication sessions; making inventions and innovations; creation of stands and installations for experimental research capitalized both in the didactic activity and in the research activity based on contracts; scientific lectures, technical expertise, verifications and approvals of some projects within some research and design institutes.

The technical activity, also very rich, consists of hundreds of feasibility studies, execution projects, expertise and thermal energy analyzes.

The scientific activity is quantified in over a thousand studies carried out on the basis of research contracts, articles published in specialized journals, communications at various scientific sessions, patents, doctoral theses, etc.


  • School of Petroleum and Engines, French Petroleum Institute, France
  • Beijing Petroleum University, China
  • Technical University of Clausthal, Germany
  • BERGAKADEMIE Technical University of Freiberg, Germany
  • University of Stavanger, Norway
  • University of Technological Sciences in Krakow, Poland
  • Faculty of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Al-Baath University, Homs, Syria
  • University of Calgary, Canada
  • University of Miskolc, Hungary
  • Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom.
  • Northern University of Leuwarden, The Netherlands.
  • Polytechnic University of Madrid,
  • University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway.
  • Department of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.
  • Schlumberger GeoQuest Technologies, Hanover, Germany
  • GlobalSantaFe, USA
  • Baker Hughes, USA
  • International Executive Service Corps of Connecticut, USA.
  • Canadian Executive Service Organization.
In Romania:
  • S.N.G.N. ROMGAZ S.A. Medias
  • SNGN ROMGAZ SA - Natural Gas Storage Branch DEPOGAZ Ploiești SRL
  • S.N.T.G.N. TRANSGAZ S.A. Medias
  • SC PETROM S.A. Bucharest - OMV Group
  • Engie Romania
  • E.ON Energie România S.A.
  • Delgaz Grid SA
  • DISTRIGAZ VEST S.A. - Oradea
  • CONPET S.A. Ploiesti
  • SC DAFORA S.A. Medias
  • SC FORAJ SONDE S.A. Targu Mures
  • I.C.P.T. Campina
  • I.C.P.G.N. Medias
  • INCDT COMOTI Bucharest
  • Ministry of Education and Research
  • Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment
  • PETROSTAR S.A. Ploiesti
  • Schlumberger Romania, Bucharest
  • MI Swaco Romania, Bucharest
  • Mud-Data ROM Ploieşti
  • Saipem Grup ENI Italia
  • Weatherford

Department Director:

Assoc Professor Eng.D Cristian Eparu

Department Council:

Professor Habil. Eng.D. Florinel DINU

Professor Habil. Eng.D. Lazăr AVRAM

Professor Habil. Eng.D. Mihai ALBULESCU

Lecturer Eng.D. Gabriela Ioana STAN

Teachers in the department



Assoc Professor Eng.D Sorin NEACŞU

Assoc Professor Eng.D Timur Vasile CHIS


Auxiliary Staff

Inginer, gr.2 Cristina Maria CERNAT

Inginer, gr.2 Mihai IONESCU

Tehnician tr.2 Simona NEAGU


The Department of Physical Education and Sports (currently under the name of the Department of Motor Activities and University Sports) was established in 1950, benefiting from the beginning the competence and activity of professors with a high level of specialized training.

The professors of the department, support the didactic activity in the discipline of Physical Education and Sports of the students from years I and II, from all the specializations of the 5 faculties within UPG. The discipline of Physical Education and Sports has a compulsory character during 4 semesters, and it is completed with ratings, following the objectives of our discipline.

Another important objective for professors is the activity of self-improvement through various forms such as: scientific research, training and specialization courses, master's and phd 's.

For the successful accomplishment of the didactic, mass and performance sports activities, the professors were permanently preoccupied with the maintenance and development of the sports base, with the endowment with sports materials and equipment.

The stage between 1948 – 1950.

The activity of physical education and sports had to gain from the fact that IPGG Bucharest operated in the same building as the Technical Secondary School of Physical Culture and Sports which had all the material conditions and the climate suitable for a good development of sports activity.

The stage between 1950 – 1956.

In 1950 in the curricula of institutes and universities is introduced Physical Education and Sports as a compulsory education discipline in years I and II and optional for students in years III and IV.

The stage between 1956 - 1960

Is marked by two orders of the Ministry of Education: order no.1 / 22.11.1956 which extends the optional character of the activity of physical education and sports from year I to year V, orienting the activity on branches of sports. The Ministry of Education, alarmed by the continuous decline of the students' biomotor potential, introduces by Order no. 147/1958 the obligation of the frequency for the first year through the “norm of physical education”.

The stage between 1960 - 1990

Is characterized by a great stability, conferred by the department's ability to adopt analytical programs in sports, developed by the Ministry of Education and Research, the possibilities offered by the existing material base of the department and management requirements the university, integrating perfectly in the structure of the educational process in UPG.

The stage between 1990 – 1999

Is marked by the MEC Decision of 1994 that starting from the academic year 1994 - 1995, Physical Education and Sports to be maintained in the curricula as a compulsory subject in the first and second year. Also, this stage marks the competition and filling of vacancies, two positions of trainers, three positions of assistant and one position of lecturer, radically changing the average age of the members of the department.

  • A sports games hall, 30m / l8 m.
  • A handball court, 40m / 20m.
  • Two mini-football courts, 40m / 20m, covered with bitumt which are drawn for: football, tennis, basketball. volleyball, athletics track (1 lap = 200m).

It is carried out on the basis of the discipline sheets prepared by the Departments professors in accordance with the plans elaborated by MEC regarding the optimization and development of physical education and sports at university level in the process of strengthening the health of students.

Each group of first and second year students of the five faculties of UPG have in the program 100 minutes of physical education every two weeks, and the school situation ends at the end of the semester (LS, SE, IME and TPP) or academic year ( IPG) with a verification consisting of taking a number of 6-7 control tests, knowing and assessing the level of motor skills (speed, explosive force, endurance, coordination ability).


The main research topics were oriented towards:

  • general aspects of physical education theory;
  • improving the teaching methodology of this educational discipline;
  • studying the level of development and physical training of students, fundamental and applied research topics;
  • the collective and individual works are presented in internal and international scientific communication sessions, there being the preoccupation of elaboration of works for the participation in national programs.

In parallel with the physical education activity, the students are attracted, based on an internal competition calendar drawn up at the beginning of the academic year, to practice different sports activities. The sports activities are chosen according to the students' preferences and the existing material conditions and refer to competitions of: mini-football, basketball, handball, volleyball, table tennis and chess.
Participation in the sports competitions provided in the national university sports calendar elaborated by the relevant ministry in collaboration with the Federation of School and University Sports

  • National University Athletics Championships 2019: 3 places V and 3 places VII in the finals of the throwing events - student Susnea Adrian
  • National University Basketball Championship 5X5, Pitesti, 2019 - 4th place
  • National University 3X3 Basketball Championship, Bucharest, 2019 - 4th place
  • National Football Championship on University Centers, 2019: 3rd place
  • National University Athletics Championship, 2018: 2 places V - student Susnea Adrian
  • National Football Championship on University Centers, 2018: 1st place
  • European University Men's 3x3 Basketball Championship , Croatia - Split 2017: 14th place
  • National University Men's 3x3 Basketball Championship, Bucharest 2017: 1st place
  • National University Men's Basketball Championship 5x5 , Pitesti 2017: 3rd place
  • National University Men's 3x3 Basketball Championship , Bucharest, 2016.: second place
  • National University Men's Basketball Championship 5x5 ,Pitesti, 2014: 3rd place
  • National University Handball Championship, Târgoviște, 2010: 3rd place
  • National University Judo Championship, weight category 73 kg (Mititelu Denis), Sibiu, 2010: 2nd place
  • National University Judo Championship, weight category 73 kg (Mititelu Denis), Sibiu, 2009: 3rd place
  • National University Judo Championship, weight category 63 kg (Nicoleta Dumitru), Sibiu, 2008: 3rd place
  • National University Judo Championship, weight category 81 kg (George Calimanoiu), Sibiu, 2008: 3rd place
  • National University Athletics Championship: Bacău, 2008 (student Petrache Marius) - two places 2
  • National University Athletics Championship: Constanţa, 2007 (student Petrache Marius). - 2nd place
  • National University Athletics Championship: Bacău, 2007 (student Petrache Marius). - 3rd place
  • National University Handball Championship Timişoara 2002: 4th place
  • National University Handball Championship Timişoara 2001: 6th place
  • National University Handball Championship Timişoara 2000: 4th place
  • National University Judo Championship, Pitesti, 1998 (student Iacob Răzvan). 5th place
  • National University Judo Championship, Pitesti, 1997: 3rd place
  • Cluj National University Handball Championship 1982 with the representative team of I.P.G. Ploieşti: 3rd place
  • National University Judo Championship, Bucharest, 1968. Judo team, first place in the category. 63kg
  • National University Judo Championship, Bucharest 1968. National University Judo Champion, student Simihăian Valeriu
  • National University Mountaineering Championship, women's and men's team, of which 6 students are members of the national mountaineering teams, 1965-1969
  • National University Athletics Championship, Bucharest 1967, tests: spear throwing and weight throwing. student Buliga N.
  • The I.P.G.G. Bucharest winner of the international rugby competition "Peace Cup", Bucharest, 1965.
  • In the period 1960-1970 the students of I.P.G.G. Bucharest were part of the national basketball and handball teams of Romania (Talle Virgil - handball, Nosievici G.- basketball, etc.).
  • National University Men's Basketball Championship, Craiova, 1959: 1st place
  • National University Table Tennis Championship, women's, Craiova, 1958: 1st place
  • National Football Championship, 1957: 1st place
  • National Football Championship 1956: 1st place

Department Director:

Conf.univ.dr. Mirela Dulgheru

Department Council

Conf.univ.dr. Dulgheru Mirela

Conf.univ.dr. Marius Vaida

Lect.univ.dr. Constantinescu Ana Maria

Teachers in the department


Auxiliary Staff: